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Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Mohabbat Ya Tery Rang Novel By Shazia Rafique Complete - ZNZ TODAY

Mohabbat Ya Tery Rang Novel By Shazia Rafique Complete - ZNZ TODAY 

محبّت یہ تیرے رنگ 

This novel is being published on this website with the permission of the writer.

لینہ اپنے والدین کے ساتھ مغربی ماحول میں پلی بڑھی ہے مگر اندر سے وہ ایک مشرقی لڑکی ہے جو اپنے شوہر طلال ارمجان پر جان چھڑکتی ہے۔ طلال کسی غلط فہمی کا شکار ہو کر لینہ کے ساتھ بدسلوکی کی انتہا کر دیتا ہے اور اسکی یہ بے رخی لیہ کا نروس بریک ڈاون کر دیتی ہے۔ لینہ کے کومہ میں جانے کو بعد حقیقت کھلتی ہے اور طلال بہت پشیمان ہوتا ہے

Lena grew up in a Western environment with her parents, but deep down she is an Eastern girl who is devoted to her husband Talal Armajan. Talal, having misunderstood something, abuses Lena to the point of extreme cruelty, and his indifference causes Lena to have a nervous breakdown. After Lena goes into a coma, the truth comes out and Talal is deeply remorseful.

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Mohabbat yeh tere Rang by Shazia Rafique

is a social heartfelt Urdu novel . It was distributed in a

 month to month Review. Throughout recent years Shazia Rafique

has arisen as an extremely productive essayist

She picks different points to expound on .

She principally composes fiction, and has composed

grand urdu books .

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Mohabbat yeh tere rang from here.

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Mohabbat yeh tery rang by Shazia Rafique

Is a social heartfelt novel by the essayist

She has composed numerous accounts and has huge number of

fans sitting tight for her books

she has written in many condensation like

Kiran Shuaa Khawateen Anchal Hijjab

also, some more

She is exceptionally renowned for her remarkable composing style

For the most part essayist shows us the truth and stories

which are around us

They have such capacity to direct us through their

words and stories


26 Pages · 2024 · 10.52 MB · Urdu

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