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Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Gul e Kohsaar Novel By Farah Bukhari Complete - ZNZ TODAY

Gul e Kohsaar Novel By Farah Bukhari Complete - ZNZ TODAY 

گل کوہسار از فرح بخاری

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Download Gul E Kohsar By Farah Bukhari Urdu Novel Complete pdf. Additionally download here Heartfelt books in urdu, Books in urdu pdf, Strong heartfelt urdu novels,Hot and striking urdu books pdf, urdu books list, full heartfelt urdu books, best urdu novels,Famous urdu books , Heartfelt books in urdu pdf

Gul e Kohsar by Farah Bukhari

heartfelt novel,published in Kiran Condensation November 2016.

Farah Bukhari is one of those couple of authors,

who keep their perusers bound with them,due to

their one of a kind composing style. She fundamentally composes fiction.

Free download or Peruse Online this book/novel

Gul-e-Kohsar (گلِ کہسار) is a Urdu novel composed by the well known creator Farah Bukhari. It includes a socio-heartfelt story that makes sense of the strength of affection and the delicacy of connections which we lose because of a few little slip-ups.

The clever's story revolves around a few social and social issues looked by a couple when they fall head over heels for one another. It makes sense of the misfortunes and entanglements of the two sweethearts and individuals' responses to them. Society remains against them and they face many difficulties in life only for affection.

You could likewise need to these comparative books: Rootha Huwa Ishq by Ameer Hamza, Qafs-e-Hayat by Iqra Fatima, and Marg-e-Wafa by Sadaf Adnan.

The smart's story spins around a couple of social and social issues looked by a couple when they go totally gaga for each other. It gets a handle on the hardships and complexities of the two dears and people's reactions to them. Society stays against them and they face numerous troubles in life just for veneration.

You could in like manner need to these similar books: Rootha Huwa Ishq by Ameer Hamza, Qafs-e-Hayat by Iqra Fatima, and Marg-e-Wafa by Sadaf Adnan.

Download Gul-e-Kohsar in PDF

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150+ Pages · 2024 · 46.52 MB · Urdu

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